Hyderabad: The Mumbai Police on Tuesday said that they have found ample evidence against the accused arrested in the Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan's stabbing case. A team of senior police officials in a press conference gave details of the high-profile case and the investigation into the matter thus far. For the unversed, Saif was stabbed by an intruder on the night of January 16 at his residence in suburban Bandra.
The actor who made his debut in the film Parampara was rushed to the Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent surgery. He was taken to the hospital in an auto in his blood-soaked kurta.
The Mumbai Police also revealed that they have recorded statements of all the concerned in connection with the case. They have also rubbished reports of fingerprints mismatch, saying they are yet to be received. The Mumbai Police also rubbished claims that Saif reached the hospital after 101 minutes.
Earlier, the Mumbai Police collected Khan's blood sample and clothes for investigation as part of the probe. He was attacked by an intruder, later identified as Mohd Shariful Islam Shehzad, who entered his home with the intent to commit theft. After a violent confrontation with the accused, the actor sustained stab wounds to his thoracic spine and other body parts.
The intruder was arrested after the police formed 12 special teams to nab him. He was taken into custody within 70 hours of the attack. He is currently in police custody till January 29.
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