Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan, who is busy promoting his upcoming film Baby John, recently had a special meeting with Union Home Minister Amit Shah during his visit to the national capital. The actor took to Instagram to share a glimpse of the encounter, describing the moment as an 'absolute pleasure.'
In a post that quickly went viral, Varun shared a picture of himself with Amit Shah, both smiling for the camera. Along with the photograph, the actor wrote a humorous and respectful caption: "Inke Saamne Toh Hum Sab 'Baby' Hai." The phrase, which translates to "In front of him, we are all babies," humorously referred to Amit Shah's towering stature in Indian politics, often referred to as the 'Chanakya' of modern politics with the wordplay of his upcoming film, Baby John.
Varun's meeting with the Home Minister sparked excitement, with the actor also expressing his gratitude for the opportunity to meet the influential leader. "It was an absolute pleasure to meet the Honourable Home Minister Amit Shah ji in Delhi," Varun wrote on his Instagram. The meeting, which took place during the actor's visit to Delhi for Baby John promotions, was a delightful and memorable experience for the actor.