Hyderabad:Superstar Shah Rukh Khan enjoys a massive fan following not only in India but also internationally. Recently, a video surfaced on the internet featuring one of his foreign admirers playing the title track of his acclaimed film Kal Ho Naa Ho during the India vs England cricket match in Rajkot. This moment captured the attention of many, highlighting the global appeal of SRK and his films.
The intersection of Bollywood and cricket holds immense significance in India and worldwide. During a recent India Vs England test match in Rajkot, a fan of King Khan expressed his admiration for the actor by playing the iconic title track from Kal Ho Naa Ho. The video of this heartfelt gesture quickly went viral, showcasing the universal love for Shah Rukh Khan and his work.
The viral video depicts several foreign spectators enjoying and swaying to the melodious tune, while those acquainted with lyrics are singing along. The video underlines the notion that movies transcends boundaries. The audience in the stadium also joined in recording the talented individual's performance.