Hyderabad: Director Prasanth Varma has already officially announced his latest project, tentatively titled Simba, introducing debut actor Nandamuri Taraka Rama Mokshagnya Teja to the cinematic world. Now, a picture of the two shared by Varma has sparked considerable excitement around the film. In the picture, the filmmaker can be seen clicking Nandamuri Moksh from behind while the actor oozes stud vibes in goggles.
Sharing the picture on his official handle, the Hanuman famed director wrote: "A look back at the start with Moksh! #SimbaisComing đŠ #ThePVCU" The picture has had fans convinced that Varma is fully immersed in the project from Moksh's look to the storyline.
The announcement of their film together was made via social media, alongside a captivating image featuring Varma and Mokshagnya, sparking excitement among fans. Titled Simba, it is set to be a socio-fantasy epic and is a significant addition to the Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe (PVCU). With a high budget allocated for its production, the film promises to deliver a visually stunning and immersive experience that is expected to captivate audiences.
Known for his innovative storytelling and unique cinematic style, Varma's new project aims to push the boundaries of Indian cinema. In addition to Simba, Mokshagnya is also set to appear in Gandheeva, which marks his official entry into the film industry. As the son of the renowned Nandamuri family, Mokshagnya's debut has been highly anticipated, and him bagging a film in Varma's cinematic universe is expected to elevate his status in the industry.
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