Hyderabad:A gripping cat-and-mouse game unfolds in Sikandar Ka Muqaddar, an upcoming Netflix thriller that promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. With a runtime of just under two and a half minutes, the trailer offers a glimpse into a story of obsession, justice, and a twisted battle of fate. At the centre of this thrilling narrative is the indomitable Jimmy Shergill, who plays a relentless cop, Jaswinder Singh, in pursuit of his target—Avinash Tiwary's Sikandar. But what makes Sikandar's life so captivating is the claim that his destiny is being controlled by Jimmy's character, creating a tension that drives the entire plot forward.
Directed by Neeraj Pandey, Sikandar Ka Muqaddar will premiere on Netflix on November 29, promising a suspense-filled journey through crime and moral ambiguity. At the heart of Sikandar Ka Muqaddar is a daring diamond heist, setting the stage for a layered narrative that spans 15 years.
The story revolves around three key suspects: Kamini Singh (played by Tamannaah), Sikandar Sharma (Avinash Tiwary), and Mangesh Desai (Rajiv Mehta). Each of them is seemingly entangled in a web of crime, with Jimmy Shergill’s character, an unyielding police officer, determined to bring them to justice. The tagline—One Heist. Two Scenarios. Three Suspects—captures the essence of the film. It sets up the intriguing premise of multiple perspectives, where the same event is examined through different lenses, and the truth remains elusive.