Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt affirmed that he has no intention of foraying into politics and dismissed speculations suggesting his participation in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. On Monday, Sanjay Dutt addressed these rumours through a post on social media, emphasising that there is no truth to claims hinting at his potential candidacy in the upcoming elections.
In his post shared on X, he wrote, "I would like to put all rumours about me joining politics to rest. I am not joining any party or contesting elections. If I do decide to step into the political arena then I will be the first one to announce it. Additionally, Sanjay advised his followers not to rely on social media rumours and cautioned against believing unverified information circulating in the news. "Please refrain from believing what is being circulated in the news about me as of now," he added.
These remarks from Sanjay Dutt came after the ongoing speculation that the 64-year-old actor could contest the impending Lok Sabha polls representing the Congress party in Haryana's Karnal constituency. This episode marks another instance where Sanjay Dutt has refuted rumours regarding his involvement in the political realm.