Hyderabad:The Esplanade Court on Thursday extended the police custody of both accused detained in connection with the firing outside Bollywood actor Salman Khan's Mumbai home till April 30. Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal were summoned before the metropolitan magistrate court here after their earlier detention expired on Thursday, and custody was issued to the Mumbai Crime Branch.
Previously, the Mumbai Crime Branch discovered substantial evidence against gangster Lawrence Bishnoi and his brother Anmol Bishnoi, establishing them as the primary conspirators and making them the most wanted accused. Mumbai Police have filed a case against four people in connection with the firing at Salman Khan's house, including Anmol and Lawrence Bishnoi.
According to intelligence input obtained from the Mumbai Crime Branch, the gunmen conducted recce of Salman Khan's home prior to the shooting event. The shooters had previously vsiited Khan's farmhouse too. However, Salman had not been to his farmhouse in some weeks, so they decided to open fire at his Mumbai residence.