Hyderabad:In the Salman Khan house firing case, the kin of deceased accused Anuj Thapan met with the CID. Thapan's family recorded a statement following his alleged suicide in a Mumbai prison. The state CID recorded the statement of three family members of Anuj Thapan, who died allegedly by suicide in police custody, on Saturday, according to an official.
The CID recorded the statements of Thapan's relatives, Vikram Kumar, Kuldeep Kumar, and Jaswant Singh, according to the official. The body was claimed by family members and would be transferred to Punjab for funeral rituals, he said. Thapan (32), who was caught in Punjab for allegedly supplying rifles and bullets to the detained shooters, was discovered in a suspicious state on Wednesday inside the toilet of the Mumbai Crime Branch's lock-up in the commissionerate complex.
On May 2, the post-mortem examination of Anuj was concluded at JJ Hospital. He was one of the arms suppliers involved in the shooting outside the home of actor Salman Khan. His family claims that he was 'killed' by the police. The deceased accused's brother, Abhishek Thapan, said that Anuj could not have committed suicide and sought 'justice'.