Hyderabad: A pivotal moment on the latest season of Netflix India's hit reality show, Fabulous Lives Vs Bollywood Wives, involved an unexpected incident between Riddhima Kapoor Sahni and Shalini Passi. During a dinner scene, Riddhima accidentally spilled wine on Shalini, leaving the latter visibly surprised when no immediate apology came from Riddhima. Fans noted the awkwardness and the moment became one of the season's key talking points.
However, Karan Johar, who produces the series through his Dharmatic Entertainment, clarified in a recent virtual chat with all seven show participants that Riddhima did, in fact, apologize to Shalini - just not on camera. Johar explained that Riddhima's apology happened in Mauritius a couple of days later, but the scene was cut due to poor visibility, as it was filmed at night. According to Johar, the scene showed Riddhima apologising, with Shalini graciously accepting and moving on.
Yet, Shalini indicated during the virtual chat that the incident still lingers for her. "The apology came on day 2 or day 3. I'm okay; I honestly don't care," Shalini remarked, suggesting that while she's put it behind her, the incident left her with lingering emotions. She added that watching re-runs isn't necessary for her, as she vividly remembers the event and how it made her feel. Shalini also shared that, while she continues to meet Riddhima socially, it may take some time for her to fully come to terms with the event.