Hyderabad: Ricky Kej, the three-time Grammy award-winning musician, voiced his frustration on Saturday regarding Air India's treatment during his recent travel experience. He accused the airline of unexpectedly 'downgrading' him from business class to economy class without prior notification and claimed he was denied a refund for the service downgrade. The music composer conveyed his dissatisfaction with the way he was treated by the airline staff, specifically singling out the behaviour of a person at the service counter whom he described as "absolutely not helpful and impolite."
In a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, Kej wrote, "Wow.. 3rd time this is happening to me in one year. I booked and paid for a business class ticket on @airindia from Mumbai to Bengaluru. When I reach departure gate, the staff rudely tells me that I have been downgraded (for no reason) and they cannot give me a refund. What's up with AirIndia? The person on the counter is Nishita Singh. Absolutely not helpful, and impolite. @airindia really needs to introspect and see if they are capable of running an airline in the first place. I am currently at the departure gate. Flight taking off at 9.25am @TataCompanies."