Hyderabad: Actor Sunil Lahiri, renowned for his portrayal of Lakshman in Ramanand Sagar's TV series Ramayan, expressed his disappointment with the result of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, citing the BJP's failure to secure a majority.
In a recent social media video, Lahiri raised concerns about the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government, questioning if it can complete its full term without encountering hurdles.
The actor's disappointment stemmed from the low voter turnout. He had fervently urged people to exercise their franchise, but no one paid any attention.
The actor said, "I was very disappointed to see the election results, firstly the voting was low and then this result.. but will this government be able to run smoothly for five years?"
Lahiri also criticised the voters of Ayodhya in the Faizabad Lok Sabha constituency, where the Samajwadi Party's Awadesh Prasad emerged victorious, defeating the BJP's Lallu Singh by a margin of over 59,000 votes.
Lahiri drew parallels between the city's historical narrative and its present-day political choices, suggesting that the residents of Ayodhya had a tendency for betraying their leaders.
However, Lahiri's disappointment was tempered by the victories of two candidates he held in high esteem. He congratulated actor Kangana Ranaut, whom he regarded as a symbol of women empowerment, on her win in the Mandi Lok Sabha seat.
Additionally, he was thrilled by the electoral success of his co-star and friend, Arun Govil, who played the role of Lord Ram in Ramayan and made his political debut in the Lok Sabha elections from Meerut.
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