Hyderabad: Telugu actor Ram Charan and Upasana Kamineni Konidela's daughter, Klin Kaara, is already melting hearts with her adorable moments, despite her parents' efforts to cover her from media attention. Today, on Saturday, a special glimpse of the little one made waves online when her mother, Upasana, shared an endearing video on social media.
Taking to Instagram, Upasana posted a short clip capturing Klin Kaara's priceless reaction upon seeing her father, Ram Charan, on-screen for the first time. The video showed the baby recognising her "Naana" on television while watching a scene from his blockbuster movie, RRR. Overwhelmed with excitement, Klin took a few wobbly steps closer to the screen, babbling happily as she cheered for her father.
Upasana, a proud mother and entrepreneur, captioned the video, "When she watches her naana on screen for the first time. @alwaysramcharan sooo proud of you. All set for Game Changer now." She also added the text, "@rrrmovie was truly an experience of a lifetime for us in countless ways. Watching her nana for the first time on TV," on the video.