Hyderabad: Actor Prabhas' Instagram Story, which had a cryptic message, took the nation by storm on May 17. While many speculated that the post hinted at the actor's impending wedding, sources indicated that it was actually a promotion of the upcoming sci-fi film Kalki 2898 AD. The makers of the film now revealed a big update in connection to the sci-fi flick.
Taking to Instagram on Friday, production house Vyjayanthi Movies dropped a poster of Kalki 2898 AD and wrote in the caption, "Can’t wait for you to meet our Bhairava’s #Bujji. 𝐒𝐤𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 - 𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟒 out Tomorrow at 5 PM."
For those who may have missed it, the makers of Kalki 2898 AD had previously released a series of videos on YouTube, titled Skratch, which showcased the team's innovative efforts in building a one-of-a-kind vehicle. The fourth episode of this series is set to drop tomorrow (May 18) at 5 pm, and Prabhas is reportedly thrilled to unveil the new vehicle, named Bujji, to his enthusiastic fans.
Set in a dystopian world, Kalki 2898 AD has an intriguing connection to the ancient Indian epic, Mahabharata. The film, helmed by Nag Ashwin, features an impressive ensemble cast, including Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone, Kamal Haasan and Disha Patani. With its grand release slated for June 27, the anticipation surrounding this cinematic extravaganza is palpable. As the clock ticks closer to the release date, fans can expect a series of promotional activities that will give them a glimpse into the fascinating world of Kalki 2898 AD.
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