Hyderabad:Tamil actor Jayam Ravi and his wife Aarti have officially announced their separation after 15 years of marriage. On September 9, Ravi took to social media to share the news, accompanied by a statement in both Tamil and English. In his announcement, Ravi explained that the decision to part ways was made after thoughtful deliberation.
In his detailed post, Ravi shared that the decision was made with the best interests of everyone involved in mind, though he did not specify the exact reasons behind it. He emphasised that the decision was not made hastily but after considerable reflection and requested privacy and sensitivity from his fans and the media during this challenging time, urging against speculation or rumours.
The actor wrote, "After much thought and discussion, I have taken the difficult decision to proceed with the dissolution of my marriage with Aarti. This decision was not made out of haste and it stems from personal reasons that I believe are in the best interests of everyone involved." Ravi also highlighted his appreciation for the support he has received from his fans over the years, and reassured them of his commitment to his acting career.