Hyderabad: India's dreams of Oscar glory have not waned, despite the setback faced by Kiran Rao's Laapataa Ladies in the International Feature Film category. While the Aamir Khan production did not make it to the next round of the prestigious awards, another Indian film has emerged as a beacon of hope. Guneet Monga Kapoor's Anuja, a live-action short film has secured a spot on the shortlist for the 97th Academy Awards, making it a serious contender for the 2025 Oscars.
Anuja, produced by Guneet Monga Kapoor, has been shortlisted in the Best Live-Action Short Film category. This is Monga's third Oscar recognition after her previous wins with The Elephant Whisperers and Period: End of Sentence, both of which brought home golden statuettes. Anuja is a powerful film that addresses the harrowing issue of child labour in the garment industry, shining a light on the exploitation faced by young workers.
The film features actor Nagesh Bhonsle in a pivotal role and is expected to spark global conversations on child labour. Monga's track record with the Academy, especially after her wins with The Elephant Whisperers and Period: End of Sentence, has further elevated the chances of Anuja in the Oscar run.