Hyderabad:In the wake of a tragic incident that occurred during the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad, rumours regarding actor Allu Arjun's indifference to the death of a woman in a stampede have circulated widely on social media. However, his close aide, Sarath Chandra Naidu, took to X (formerly Twitter) to clear up any confusion. In a post, Naidu revealed that the producers of Pushpa 2, had visited the hospital to personally speak with doctors and ensure that necessary financial assistance was provided for the child of the deceased woman.
Naidu highlighting the team's deep commitment to supporting the family in every way possible wrote: "Bunny Vas Garu visited the hospital, personally spoke to the doctors and ensured that the necessary financial assistance for the child’s treatment was provided from our side. Not every update is shared on social media. The team is deeply committed on supporting the family in every possible way."
The incident has sparked a wave of speculation, but Naidu's statement was a direct attempt to defend Allu Arjun, emphasising his involvement and proactive response to the tragedy. The tragic incident unfolded on the night of December 4, 2024, when a large crowd gathered at Sandhya Theatre in anticipation of a glimpse of Allu Arjun, who was expected to attend the premiere of Pushpa 2. As the actor arrived with his personal security team, chaos ensued. Despite the theatre management having prior knowledge of the actor's visit, no additional security measures were put in place, and the situation quickly spiraled out of control.
Police about stampede at Pushpa 2 premiere in Hyderabad (Video: ETV Bharat) According to Hyderabad police, the ensuing stampede resulted in the tragic death of 38-year-old Revathi and left her 13-year-old son, Sri Tej, injured. Police reported that Revathi and her son were caught in the crush and suffered suffocation. Police officers on duty managed to pull the victims from the lower balcony and attempted CPR on Sri Tej before rushing them to Durgabai Deshmukh Hospital. Unfortunately, Revathi was pronounced dead upon arrival, while Sri Tej was transferred to another facility for further treatment.
"After Allu Arjun arrived, the security personnel pushed the audience to control them, which led to a scuffle and then a stampede. Revathi's family from Dilsukhnagar got caught in the stampede. We have registered a case and are investigating the incident based on the complaint of the victim's family members," said Akshansh Yadav, Central Zone DCP.
The police have registered a case against Allu Arjun, his security team, and the theatre management for 'culpable homicide not amounting to murder' and 'voluntarily causing hurt.' Authorities also pointed out that there was no prior communication from the theatre or the actor's team about the visit, and no additional provisions were made to manage the crowd. The investigation is ongoing, with the police vowing to take stringent action against those responsible for the tragic events that led to the woman's death.
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- Allu Arjun Booked For Woman’s Death At 'Pushpa 2' Film Screening In Hyderabad
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