Hyderabad: Tamil actor Vikram Prabhu is all set to make his first venture in Telugu cinema with the upcoming film Ghaati, which also marks the return of Anushka Shetty to the big screen. Today (January 15), on the occasion of Vikram's birthday, the makers of the film have dropped his first look, introducing him as Desi Raju, a key character in the action-crime movie.
Taking to the microblogging site X (previously known as Twitter), director Krish Jagarlamudi shared his first look and wrote, "Happy Birthday to the exceptional @iamVikramPrabhu garu. It's been a privilege to witness ur transformation into the fierce n fearless #DesiRaju and can't wait for the world to experience ur #GHAATI energy, fire n magic on April 18th, 2025. Stay Phenominal."
Happy Birthday to the exceptional @iamVikramPrabhu garu 🎉 It’s been a privilege to witness ur transformation into the fierce n fearless #DesiRaju and can’t wait for the world to experience ur #GHAATI energy, fire n magic on April 18th, 2025.
— Krish Jagarlamudi (@DirKrish) January 15, 2025
Stay Phenominal🔥 pic.twitter.com/M6UK7rWQoG
The poster reveal comes after a striking promo video released last November. That promo video showcased Anushka in a compelling and intense role in a spine-chilling sequence where she takes justice into her own hands, wielding the sickle. The tagline, "A story of a woman who is a victim, a criminal, and a legend," hints at the depth and complexity of the plot.
With a story by Chintakindi Srinivas Rao and dialogues by Sai Madhav Burra, Ghaati features music composed by Nagavelli Vidya Sagar, art direction by Thota Tharrani, and cinematography by Manojh Reddy Katasani. Editing is handled by Chanakya Reddy Toorupu.
Produced by Rajeev Reddy and Sai Babu Jagarlamudi, Ghaati is set to release in five languages including Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada, and Malayalam. Reuniting Anushka and director Krish after their success with Vedam, the film is slated for a theatrical release on April 18, 2025.