Hyderabad: Actor Karthi recently found himself at the centre of a controversy when he described the Tirupati Laddu issue as a 'sensitive' matter, choosing not to comment further. This incident prompted a strong reaction from the Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, actor Pawan Kalyan. The Deputy CM has responded with a heated remark as he embarked on an 11-day-long 'Prayaschitta Diksha,' a purification ritual to atone for the alleged use of animal fat in the preparation for the Tirupati Laddu Prasadam.
During a press interaction at a temple in Vijayawada, Pawan Kalyan was asked about Karthi's comments. Addressing the controversy, he stated, "Yesterday, at a film event, they made fun of the Tirumala Laddu. This is my appeal to them: you must think 100 times before speaking about the Tirumala Laddu. This is not a funny topic. I respect you as actors, but you must stop commenting against Sanathana Dharma."
Images circulating on social media, particularly on X (formerly known as Twitter), show Pawan Kalyan dressed in a saffron-hued traditional robe, performing a small veneration ritual on the sets of his upcoming film Hari Hara Veera Mallu as part of his penance.
Pawan Kalyan is set to return to the big screen with Hari Hara Veera Mallu. The film's makers recently unveiled a striking poster of the actor in warrior-like red and white attire, holding a sword against the sky. The image highlights the strength and bravery of the role Kalyan will portray in the film. Hari Hara Veera Mallu: Part 1 - Sword vs Spirit is slated for release on March 28, 2025, and is one of the most anticipated films of the year.
- Pawan Kalyan Begins 11-Day Penance Over Tirupati Laddoo Controversy - Watch
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