Hyderabad: Telugu actor Nagarjuna Akkineni has responded to the recent demolition of his property, the N-Convention Centre, situated in the Madhapur region of Hyderabad. It's alleged that the property was constructed on encroached land, specifically within the Full Tank Level (FTL) of the Thummidikunta Lake. The demolition was executed by a newly established state government entity, known as Hyderabad Disaster Response and Assets Monitoring and Protection (HYDRA).
Taking to X on Saturday, Nagarjuna shared a detailed note in which he asserted that the N-Convention Centre was destroyed even though there was an existing stay order from the court. In his statement, he conveyed his distress, stating, "Pained by the unlawful manner of demolition carried out in respect of N Convention, contrary to existing stay orders and Court cases. I thought it fit to issue this statement to place on record certain facts to protect my reputation and to indicate that we have not done any actions in violation of the law. The land is a Patta land, and not even an inch of tank plan is encroached."
Addressing the accusations surrounding the construction's legality on private property, he referenced the stay order that was issued against previous unlawful demolition notices. He emphasised in his tweet, "Today clearly, the demolition was carried out wrongfully based on misinformation. No notice was issued prior to carrying out the demolition this morning. As a law-abiding citizen, if the Court before, which the matter is pending, had decided against me, I would have carried out the demolition myself."