Hyderabad: The highly anticipated film L2: Empuraan, starring Mohanlal and Prithviraj Sukumaran, has officially wrapped up shooting after an intense 14-month journey. The film, the second installment to the 2019 blockbuster Lucifer, is one of the most awaited films of 2025. The final shot was filmed at the scenic Malampuzha reservoir, with the crew completing their work in the early hours of the morning.
Taking to social media to share the exciting update, Mohanlal expressed his deep appreciation for the effort put into the film. Reflecting on the journey, the veteran actor mentioned that L2: Empuraan took him across eight states and four countries, including the UK, USA, and UAE. In his heartfelt post, Mohanlal credited director Prithviraj Sukumaran for his brilliant vision, which elevated every frame of the film. He also acknowledged Murali Gopy for his visionary storytelling, which forms the heart of the movie.
Mohanlal's gratitude extended to producer Antony Perumbavoor for his unwavering belief in the project, as well as to Mr. Subaskaran and Lyca Productions for their vital support throughout the production process. The actor further thanked the cast and crew for their dedication, describing L2: Empuraan as a remarkable chapter in his long and successful career. "None of this would have been possible without the dedicated cast and crew, who bring this story to life," he wrote.