Hyderabad:Filmmaker Anjali Menon, known for directing Wonder Woman, is now venturing into Tamil cinema with her latest project, a film centered around themes of love and life. Teaming up with KRG Studios for this venture, the filmmaker commenced shoot today. Tentatively titled KRG07, the upcoming film not only marks Anjali Menon's Tamil debut but will also be the first venture for both her and KRG Studios in the Tamil film industry.
Expressing her excitement about the project, Anjali shared on social media, "For all the encouragement to get back to work, a big shout out to the team for setting us off on this beautiful journey with @KRG_Studios. #KRG07 Much love!" She also sought blessings and well wishes, expressing hope for crafting a memorable cinema.
Having previously directed acclaimed films like Manjadikuru, Bangalore Days, Ustad Hotel, and Koode, Anjali Menon brings her expertise to this new venture. Meanwhile, KRG Studios, primarily known for Kannada-language films, is expanding its horizons to encompass Tamil cinema, adding to its slate that already includes Malayalam and Telugu.