Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Kiara Advani has been in the news following reports claiming she was hospitalised in Mumbai. However, her spokesperson has denied these claims, confirming that the actor has not been admitted to any hospital but has been advised to rest due to exertion from her busy schedule.
In an official statement, the spokesperson clarified, "Kiara Advani has not been hospitalized. She has been advised to rest due to exertion as she has been working non-stop." The clarification comes after reports circulated on Saturday suggesting that the actor had been hospitalised earlier that morning.
Kiara was notably absent from the press meet for her upcoming film Game Changer, where she stars opposite Ram Charan. Directed by Shankar, the film is a highly anticipated political drama slated for release on January 10, 2025. In Game Changer, Ram Charan plays a dual role, including that of an IAS officer battling corruption and challenging a Chief Minister to fulfil his father's dream of a corruption-free society.