Hyderabad: Indian 2, starring Kamal Haasan, is due to hit theatres in July, and the long-awaited sequel is expected to be a blockbuster. The film's promotions are underway, and the makers have provided regular updates as part of their calm promotional strategy. In the latest development, the trailer for Indian 2 was screened in Chennai on Tuesday ahead of its launch. The trailer has created quite a buzz with netizens taking over X with favourable response.
The trailer for Indian 2 was partly released, and netizens cannot stop admiring it. The two-minute video showcases how government officials ask the general public for bribes in exchange for work, contracts, and other work. The Indian 2 trailer is slated to be released on June 25th at 7 pm, with two weeks until the film's premiere. The positive response to the promotional video has now added to the buzz.
Indian 2 is a sequel to the 1996 film Indian. The film bankrolled by Lyca Productions and Red Giant Movies stars Kamal Haasan in the lead role. The veteran actor returns as Senapathy to battle evil and corruption. The film marks Kamal Haasan's reunion with director Shankar after two decades.