Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Tabu, renowned for her versatile performances in films spanning across genres, has always been an enigma when it comes to her personal life. The 53-year-old actor, known for portraying strong and layered characters on screen, recently opened up about her approach to love, relationships, and life in an interview with a magazine. Reflecting on her intense emotions and passion for life, she revealed her perspective on how she navigates relationships and experiences.
When asked about her take on love, relationships, and life, Tabu shared a quote from a close friend who truly understands her. "If something is not intense enough for you, it will not work for you," she recalled, agreeing wholeheartedly with the sentiment. Tabu elaborated on how she is driven by passion and deep emotions, stating that she is a "growth junkie" and someone who craves deep, enriching experiences in all aspects of life. "I feel deeply, I love deeply, and live passionately," she said. According to her, merely existing or staying in survival mode does not fulfil her. She thrives on the highs and lows of life, seeking out the entire spectrum of emotions, and considers boredom a natural consequence if she is not experiencing these depths.