Hyderabad: Veteran actor Nana Patekar, who has captivated audiences with his raw intensity and remarkable talent, is today celebrating his 74th birthday. The actor, known for his fearless performances in films like Krantiveer, Parinda, and Taxi No. 9211, has earned his place among the most influential actors in Indian cinema. However, Patekar, in a candid interview, revealed a startling side of his past – one that involves violent tendencies that could have steered him towards a very different life.
Speaking candidly in an interview, he admitted that had it not been for his passion for acting, he might have ended up in the underworld. In a conversation with film journalist, Patekar opened up about his aggressive temperament and said, "If I had not become an actor, I would have been in the underworld. I am extremely serious about this."
Known for his straightforwardness, Nana revealed that in his younger days, he had a volatile nature that often led to physical altercations. "I have been involved in many fights in the past, some of which I can no longer remember," he confessed, reflecting on how his violent nature once caused fear among people around him.
Despite acknowledging his aggressive tendencies, Patekar stressed that he has mellowed over the years. "People used to be scared of me. I did not speak much and let my actions do the talking," he said. While he admitted to still being quick to react physically when provoked, he made it clear that acting became a powerful outlet to release those pent-up frustrations.