Hyderabad: IT officials raided the office and residence of Game Changer producer and Telangana Film Development Corporation (TFDC) chairman Dil Raju and the production banner behind the Pushpa franchise Mythri Movie Makers on Tuesday morning. The IT officials are conducting searches based on preliminary information on discrepancies in IT returns, given the money involved in both films. Carrying out an extensive search operation, over 55 teams were formed to inspect more than 8 locations linked to Dil Raju and Mythri Movie Makers heads Naveen Yerneni and Yalamanchili Ravi Shankar.
Income Tax authorities carried our searches in Jubilee Hills and Banjara Hills properties related to Dil Raju, Naveen Yerneni, and Ravi Shankar, and their relatives. With the reported financial discrepancies, Dil Raju's brother Shirish, daughter Hanshitha Reddy, and other relatives have also come under the scanner. Not just the film business, Raju is also involved in real estate with authorities scrutinising every transaction as part of the investigation.
Talking about Mythri Movie Makers, headed by Naveen Yerneni and Yalamanchili Ravi Shankar, the production banner just delivered the biggest hit of 2025 with Allu Arjun starrer Pushpa 2: The Rule. Mounted on a budget of Rs 400 to 500 crore, the film went on to mint over Rs 1800 crore worldwide. As per reports shared by a newswire, officials noted an imbalance in the returns earned by the film and the income tax paid, leading to searches.
Though the exact reason behind the searches remains obscure, prominent producers and banners coming under the radar hint at a possible financial irregularity in Tollywood.
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