Hyderabad: Janhvi Kapoor is all set for her highly anticipated Telugu debut in Devara: Part One. The film, starring Jr NTR, has been generating a lot of buzz, especially since the release of its second song, Dheere Dheere, on Monday. The love track, which features Janhvi Kapoor and Jr NTR, has already piqued fans' interest with their sizzling chemistry and has netizens going gaga over it. Shikhar Pahariya, the B-town diva's rumoured partner, has also reacted to the romantic song.
The businessman and social media figure is among the many who loved the song. He used Instagram stories to express his admiration and excitement about the track soon after it was dropped. Pahariya posted a screenshot of Janhvi's announcement for the song with the caption, "Wow wow wow" and heart-eye emojis, followed by the phrase- "Maaasss." Janhvi reposted Shikhar's story on her account, adding to the couple's beautiful social media exchanges. Fans of the couple were quick to notice the mutual love, with many praising Shikhar for his unwavering support for Janhvi's career.