Hyderabad: Raayan, Dhanush's most recent film, is doing incredibly well in theatres. Apart from Raayan's positive box office reception, fans of the actor have another reason to celebrate as Dhanush turns 41 today. To mark the special day, the makers of his upcoming film Kubera dropped a new poster featuring the two-time National Film Award Winner.
Dhanush and filmmaker Sekhar Kammula have come together for the film Kubera. Sharing the poster on Instagram, the makers wrote: "Happy Birthday to the phenomenal @dhanushkraja sir! Here’s to more groundbreaking performances and unforgettable moments in #SekharKammulasKubera!" It shows Dhanush as both strong and vulnerable.
With his raw acting skills, the poster masterfully conveys Dhanush's humility. For Dhanush, who gives an incredibly genuine performance each time, it's a first-of-its-kind role. With a fantastic cast and team that includes several National Award winners, Sekhar Kammula's Kubera has been successful in generating a lot of hype.