New Delhi: Filmmaker Hansal Mehta expressed his frustration regarding the difficulties faced by his daughter in her attempt to obtain an Aadhaar card, a process that has been ongoing for three weeks. He took to X on Wednesday, tagging the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), to highlight the challenges she has encountered amidst what he described as a tiresome cycle of being redirected for various reasons. The National Award-winning director claimed that the treatment she received at the Aadhaar centre amounted to 'harassment'.
In his post, Mehta detailed his daughter's experience: "My daughter has been trying to apply for an Aadhar card for the past 3 weeks. She makes the long trek to the Aadhar office in Andheri East braving rains and going early enough and the senior manager there keeps sending her back on some pretext or the other. Get this signed, get this document, the stamp is not in the correct place, and you don't have an appointment today, I am on leave for a week… This is most frustrating and nothing short of harassment." He included the handles @ceo_uidai and @UIDAI in his post.
Shortly after, the UIDAI's official account reached out to Mehta via X, offering assistance. They responded, "Dear Aadhaar Number Holder, Kindly share the complete address of the Aadhaar Centre where you are facing this issue along with your contact details via direct message and we will help you further. @ceo_uidai @UIDAI."