Hyderabad: Thalapathy Vijay's latest film, The Greatest of All Time (GOAT), made a spectacular debut at the box office, raking in impressive numbers on its first day of release. The film, which hit theaters on September 5, 2024, generated a remarkable Rs 43 crore net in India. This total includes Rs 38.3 crore from Tamil screenings, Rs 3 crore from Telugu, and Rs 1.7 crore from Hindi versions, according to Industry tracker Sacnilk.
The movie, directed by Venkat Prabhu, is a science fiction action thriller that features Vijay in a dual role. The high-octane action film has captivated audiences, particularly in the South belt- Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Kerala, where it saw strong pre-release bookings. The film's opening day numbers were aided by remarkable advance bookings, which contributed an additional Rs 24.5 crore. Tamil 2D screenings were especially popular, accounting for Rs 22.83 crore of this total.