Hyderabad: Tamil actor and motor racing enthusiast Ajith Kumar, who is currently in Dubai to participate in the Dubai 24 Hours endurance race, had a narrow escape after his racing car crashed during a practice session. The accident, which occurred at high speeds, left fans concerned, but fortunately, Ajith came out unhurt.
In a video that quickly went viral on social media, Ajith's car was seen spinning seven times after crashing into a barrier. After the accident, medical personnel quickly rescued the actor and took him to an ambulance for a precautionary check-up. Thankfully, Ajith was unharmed, as confirmed by his manager, Suresh Chandra, who provided reassuring updates after the incident.
Chandra stated, "He is absolutely fine. By God's grace, nothing happened to him. He is fit and fine. Most probably, he will return tomorrow for a practice session." He further elaborated that although the car was damaged, Ajith walked away from the wreckage and was immediately taken to the nearest grid for a thorough medical examination. "There is nothing to worry about," Chandra added, assuring fans of the actor's well-being.