Hyderabad: Actor Fahadh Faasil is all set for the release of his forthcoming movie Aavesham, which is slated to hit the silver screens on April 11, 2024. The actor held a press conference ahead of the film's release, during which he was asked about his role in his next movie Vettaiyan, starring megastar Rajinikanth. Fahadh mentioned playing a comedic part alongside the megastar, displaying a more light-hearted character in Tamil cinema this time.
In his upcoming film Aavesham, helmed by Romancham fame director Jithu Madhavan, Fahadh Faasil portrays a notorious goon in Bengaluru hired by a group of college students seeking to teach their seniors a lesson. The musical score, composed by Sushin Shyam, is anticipated to include at least eight tracks.
The ensemble cast for Aavesham also includes actors Sajin Gopu, Mansoor Ali Khan, Hipzster, Mithun Jai Shankar, Roshan Shanavas, Ashish Vidyarthi, Midhutty, and others in significant roles. A clash at the box office is expected on April 11 as the movie will compete with other Malayalam releases like Varshangalkku Shesham and Jai Ganesh.