Hyderabad: Kangana Ranaut's long-awaited political drama Emergency has finally been released in theatres after facing several delays. However, the film seems to have gotten off to a rather slow start at the box office, collecting around Rs 0.15 crore, from its early morning shows, as reported by Sacnilk. Given the sluggish current conditions, the industry expects this movie to pick up as the day progresses and advance ticket sales suggest the recovery can be anticipated. This is likely to position Emergency as among one of Kangana's good post-pandemic openings.
Ranaut's films were running pretty well before COVID-19; after that, her movies received lukewarm responses. Box office numbers for her recent films failed to deliver fair opening numbers compared to her pre-pandemic releases. Her 2019 film Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi opened at Rs 8.75 crore, while the first-day collection of Panga was Rs 2.70 crore. Post-COVID, her Thalaivii released in 2021 made Rs 1.46 crore; Chandramukhi 2 and Tejas, released in 2023, made Rs 9.7 crore and Rs 1.25 crore, respectively, on their opening day.
Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi (Day 1) | Rs 8.75 cr |
Panga (Day 1) | Rs 2.70 cr |
Thalaivii (Day 1) | Rs 1.46 cr |
Chandramukhi 2 (Day 1) | Rs 9.7 cr |
Tejas (Day 1) | Rs 1.25 cr |
Data Source: Sacnilk
Industry experts are estimating that Emergency might be heading in a similar direction. The early morning earnings have not been impressive, but the film is expected to net Rs 2 crore on Day 1 in India, possibly even overtaking Tejas as Kangana's lowest post-pandemic opener.