Hyderabad:Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Varun Dhawan wrapped shooting for the Indian adaptation of the American spy series Citadel in June 2023. Since then, the project has been kept under wraps, leaving fans eagerly anticipating updates on the release of promotional assets for the series. On Monday, Varun and Samantha took to social media to subtly hint at the impending release of the Citadel trailer or teaser.
Sharing a collaborative post on Instagram, Varun and Samantha presented three pictures. In these images, both actors appear engrossed and excited as they watch something on their laptops. The director duo, Raj Nidimoru and Krishna D.K., widely known as Raj & DK, and Sita R. Menon also feature in the pictures. The accompanying caption by Samantha and Varun reads, "Finally, we got to watch something…And we are like 🤩🤩🤩."
Following the post, Varun and Samantha's comment section buzzed with excited reactions from fans. One user expressed impatience, saying, "We are waiting 🔥😍," while another speculated, "Citadel India trailer loading right?" A fan shared their excitement, writing, "It’s getting exciting 🥳💘 can’t wait to watch you two in Citadel."