Hyderabad: The highly anticipated film Devara, featuring Jr NTR in the lead continues to make waves at the box office, showcasing impressive earnings. Released on September 27 across multiple languages, namely Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada, the film has garnered a total net collection of approximately Rs 248.65 crore within its first 11 days. On its second Monday, the film made Rs 4.9 crore in the domestic circuit.
Upon its release, Devara witnessed a remarkable opening, amassing around Rs 82.5 crore on its first day alone, a figure largely attributed to its stronghold in the Telugu market, where it collected Rs 73.25 crore. Following its successful debut, the film entered the coveted Rs 200 crore club by the end of its first week, with a total collection of Rs 215.6 crore. Day 11 saw Devara earning in single digits, reflecting a significant 61.26 percent drop from the previous day's earnings of Rs 12.65 crore.
The film has been well-received among mass audiences, particularly in the Telugu states, where it remains the top choice. On Day 11, the Telugu version accounted for the majority of earnings, contributing around Rs 3.8 crore. The Hindi version also showed resilience, collecting about Rs 1.25 crore on the same day, highlighting its appeal beyond regional boundaries. However, the performance in Tamil and Malayalam markets has fallen short of expectations.