Hyderabad: Makers of the upcoming film Deva, starring Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor, released the movie's trailer on Friday, January 17. The trailer delivers a high-octane glimpse into a gripping tale of revenge, rebellion, and justice. Directed by Rosshan Andrrews and produced by Zee Studios and Siddharth Roy Kapur, the film is set to hit theatres on January 31, marking Shahid's return to the big screen after nearly a year.
The trailer begins with Shahid saying that terrorists have killed one of his fellow officers, and so now the Mumbai Police are out for revenge. He mentions that they will walk through every dark alley and will bring down all systems and areas that they have decided to take over. Thus, while doing all that, he rather too exuberantly demands "full freedom." However, being bulldozed by his superiors since his methods are not conventional and do not follow proper orders makes him a victim of "hooliganism." In a moment of defiance, Shahid tells a criminal, "I'm mafia," giving shape to his character's rogue persona.