Hyderabad: The heist comedy Crew, starring Kareena Kapoor, Tabu, and Kriti Sanon in the lead, got off to a dazzling start at the box office as it opened to rave reviews from both fans and critics alike. Tuesday marks Crew's fifth day of release, and according to Industry tracker Sacnilk's most recent update, the film's earnings have dropped sharply.
According to the report, after five days at the theatres, Crew is yet to breach the Rs 40 crore threshold at the domestic box office. The heist comedy is predicted to make Rs 3.36 crore on its fifth day, which would be a record low for the movie. Crew opened well on its first day of business, earning Rs 9.25 crore. The following day, things got a little better as the movie brought in Rs 9.75 crore.
Day 3 saw the movie earn in double digits, taking in Rs 10.5 crores. Day 4 collections were lower than the previous day, coming in at Rs 4.2 crores. Taking into consideration the figures from Tuesday, Crew's total expected revenue in India to date stands at Rs 37.06 crore. On its fifth day, Crew had 11.71% Hindi occupancy, as per the same source.
Earlier, Amul India unveiled a new advertisement on Tuesday, which included Kriti Sanon, Tabu, and Kareena Kapoor dressed as red-haired air hostesses and clutching butter and bread in their hands. "Please fasten your eat belts," read the poster's caption. The poster further read, "Crew ka Cut!" Kriti reshared the post to her Instagram story with the caption, "Another (green tick emoji) on my wish list!"