Hyderabad: Content creator Sidra Hafeez faced backlash after posting a video on Instagram imitating Bollywood star Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. In the clip, Sidra poked fun at Aishwarya's signature looks and her daughter, Aaradhya Bachchan, but fans of the actor were quick to defend their idol.
The video begins with Sidra fixing her hair, accompanied by text that reads, "POV: Aishwarya Rai getting ready for an event (followed by a skull and a laughing emoji." She then mimics Aishwarya's well-known straight, middle-parted hairstyle and applies lipstick, adding the text, "Red or dark pink lipstick." Dressed in a suit and dupatta, she labels the outfit as "Funny" before pretending to leave, only to "remember" something important - Aaradhya. A child then appears in the video, tightly holding Sidra's arm as she walks, with the text, "Aradhayaaa" followed by laughing emojis. Sidra added a cheeky caption to the post: "Blue eyes and Abhishek is missing."
However, the video did not sit well with Aishwarya's fans. One user commented, "Stop doing that...she is our pride!" Another wrote, "Try to copy her bank balance." Other remarks defended Aishwarya's grace and elegance, with one fan stating, "You missed the grace and elegance that she carries." A social media user commented, "She won Miss World and what about you Miss??"