Hyderabad:Bigg Boss, India's leading reality television show, is currently captivating viewers with its third instalment in the digital format. The latest season, Bigg Boss OTT 3, hosted by Anil Kapoor, premiered on Jio Cinema last month and is expected to conclude in August. As the most loved reality show in the country, with a vast and dedicated fan base, anticipation is already building for the return of Bigg Boss 18.
As per reports from the most trusted news source on the Bigg Boss show, initial talks about the new season have already commenced. The reports suggest that Bigg Boss 18 is expected to premiere on Colors TV either in late September or early October, further heightening the excitement among its followers as they eagerly seek additional information regarding this upcoming show.
Despite the buzz, no official announcement has been made regarding the exact premiere date. Furthermore, details are still lacking about which celebrities may be invited to join the cast for this forthcoming season.