Bengaluru: Telugu actor Hema has been arrested by the Central Crime Branch (CCB) in connection with a massive drug-fueled rave party that took place at a farmhouse in Electronic City on the night of May 19 and 20, police said on Monday.
The raid, which was carried out by the crime branch, resulted in the seizure of a large quantity of illegal substances, including MDMA pills and cocaine.
Earlier, Hema had requested the CCB to give a week's time for the inquiry due to ill health. Therefore, a second notice was issued to appear on June 1. After that third notice issued after she did not appear for the hearing. She appeared before the investigating officers on Monday. After that, the CCB officials apprehended her, a senior police official said.
Hema did not give an adequate answer to the allegations against her during the interrogation. The role of the actress was important in organising the rave party. Also, she was arrested because she misled the police by making a video saying that she had not consumed drugs, the senior police official maintained.