Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khurrana is among the esteemed guests to attend the TIME100 Gala in New York City. Hosted by TIME Magazine, this gala is a prestigious celebration of the world's most influential individuals. This marks Khurrana's latest recognition from TIME, following his TIME100 Impact Award in 2023 and his inclusion in the magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World list in 2020.
As a UNICEF ambassador, Khurrana has made significant contributions to Indian cinema, characterized by his unconventional film choices and unwavering commitment to social causes. His invitation to the TIME100 Gala reinforces his position as a leading disruptor in the global entertainment landscape.
The star-studded event will bring together some of the world's most prominent figures, including Dua Lipa, Sofia Coppola, Kylie Minogue, Max Verstappen, Michael J Fox, Elliot Page, Taraji P Henson, and Tory Burch. Khurrana's presence at the gala will further solidify his reputation as a trailblazer and catalyst for positive change.