Hyderabad:The action-packed Bollywood thriller Crakk starring Vidyut Jammwal was released in theatres on Friday, February 23, along with Yami Gautam's Article 370. On February 29, Aditya Dutt's film Crakk saw a 10 percent reduction in box office revenue compared to the previous day. On the other hand, Article 370, starring Yami Gautam and Priyamani, saw a marginal decline in numbers following a strong opening weekend.
After an opening weekend total of Rs 23 crore at the domestic box office, Article 370 retained its footing, attracting great attention and receiving favourable reviews from spectators. Industry tracker Sacnilk projects that the movie would bring in Rs 2.85 crore on day seven, bringing its total box office receipts to a respectable Rs 35.45 crore. The film is bankrolled by Yami's husband Aditya Dhar and directed by Aditya Suhas Jambhale.
Article 370 experienced a 25.42 percent increase in collections on day 2, totaling Rs 7.4 crore nett, in India, following day 1's earnings of Rs 5.9 crore nett. The movie's net earnings in India on days 3, 4, and 5 were Rs 9.6 crore, Rs 3.25 crore, and Rs 3.3 crore, respectively. On its 6th day, the film made Rs 3.15 crore in the domestic market.