Hyderabad:Anushka Sharma turned heads at the India vs Australia Test match in Perth on Saturday, November 23, as she showed her unwavering support for her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli. The actor, who has largely stayed out of the spotlight since her 2018 film Zero, was spotted sitting in the stands, wearing a simple yet elegant white shirt.
Her presence in the stadium quickly became a topic of conversation, with fans buzzing over Sharma's show of affection for her husband during his high-profile cricket match.
Anushka's appearance at the match comes shortly after Virat Kohli's Instagram post that sent social media into a frenzy. The cricketer's cryptic message, which began with the words, "Looking back, we've always been a bit different," sparked rumours about the state of his marriage to Anushka. The post, which referred to the couple's non-conformist approach to life, led many to speculate about a possible separation. However, these speculations were soon dismissed.