Hyderabad: On his birthday, Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar was showered with wishes from his fans and his upcoming film's crew and cast. It was also marked by exciting project announcements and new poster releases in a sweet surprise for the actor's fans. Joining the trend, the makers of his upcoming Telugu debut film Kannappa took to social media to celebrate the actor's special day with a heartfelt message and intriguing poster.
Makers of Akshay's Telugu debut film Kannappa took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to extend warm birthday greetings as the actor turned 57 years old on Monday. The film's official handle shared a teasing poster of Akshay's arms with the message: "A Heartfelt Birthday wish to @akshaykumar ! šš Your portrayal of Lord Shiva in this film is a testament to your unwavering dedication. Team #Kannappaš¹ celebrates you today and always."
The film, directed by Mukesh Kumar Singh and produced by Mohan Babu, features Kumar in a significant role as Lord Shiva, alongside Vishnu Manchu, Prabhas, Mohanlal, and others. The story is inspired by the narrative of Kannappa, a devotee of Lord Shiva. It is bankrolled by Mohan Babu.