Hyderabad:During the pre-wedding festivities of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, international singer Akon added excitement by performing his hit song Chammak Challo from Shah Rukh Khan's movie Ra.One. The event was praised as the best pre-wedding party of the year by Akon himself. He not only had Shah Rukh Khan dancing but also got Salman Khan to join in on the fun by playing the drums alongside him on stage.
Akon's performance on the third day of the celebrations was a highlight, as he got everyone dancing to his tunes. After his main stage performance, he treated the guests to an encore of Chammak Challo at the after-party, where he even got Shah Rukh Khan, Anant Ambani, and Radhika Merchant to dance along. Salman Khan joined in the festivities with a big smile, and later, Akon had him, along with Suhana Khan and Gauri Khan, grooving to the lively beats.
Sharing the memorable moments on Instagram, Akon expressed his joy at bringing his "India family" together on stage for his performance. Another video showed Akon and Salman enjoying themselves, with Salman even playing the drums while Sukhbir Singh performed his hit song Gal Ban Gayee, creating an electrifying atmosphere at the after-party.