Hyderabad: Actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who had earlier taken a year-long break from work to focus on her health, is back in action and has begun working on a health podcast. She released her first-ever podcast in February this year where she discussed her health, auto-immune diseases and more. Now on Tuesday, she took to her social media handle and reposted a funny dating video centred around health-related dialogues between two people.
On her Instagram Story, Samantha posted the video with a funny caption stating, "I am going to die alone," followed by several laughing emojis. She also tagged wellness coach and nutritionist, Alkesh Sharotri in her Story. The video starts with a scene in a restaurant where the conversation kicks off with the woman asking, "Everything here is regeneratively farmed, right?" The man responds, "Yeah, actually last year this place was voted best organic ayurvedic macrobiotic fusion restaurant on Yelp."
The exchanges between the couple continues amusingly revolving around health topics. Samantha, known for her love for fitness and health, has seemingly found the video relatable and hence the caption that suggest that she is going to end up alone.