Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Manisha Koirala led a bustling life as a young actor, but at present, she is in a well-earned period of relaxation. On Tuesday, the actor took to her social media handle, where she shared her reflections on the significance of slowing down upon reaching the age of 50, especially after dedicating a significant amount of time and effort to her career.
In her Instagram post, she shared three images of herself unwinding in the comfort of her home, accompanied by a detailed caption. While addressing queries regarding her current activities, she expressed gratitude for the opportunity to savor a diverse array of experiences. This involves indulging in activities she holds dear, such as chilling with her pets, engaging herself in books, music, and in spiritual discoveries, exploring the nature, hitting the gym, and embarking on international adventures.
Nonetheless, Manisha acknowledges the challenges she has faced to attain this level of contentment. With a career spanning over three decades and a repertoire of 100 films, she believes she has rightfully earned this personal time. She now selects projects that resonate with her passion, appreciates the presence of supportive people in her life, and cherishes the moments of peace after her terrain of fame, filled with its share of praises, criticisms, genuine relationships, and deceitful rumours. Reflecting on her journey, she marvels at her own resilience in confronting the adversities of solitude, only to realize that a few loyal companions and divine intervention provided solace during her loneliest moments.