Hyderabad:Following an intriguing teaser, the makers of the upcoming film Ae Watan Mere Watan, featuring Sara Ali Khan, unveiled its official trailer on Monday. In the movie, Sara portrays Usha, a courageous 22-year-old, who exhibits remarkable bravery and profound patriotism during the 1942 Quit India Movement. Usha used an underground radio to rally the nation against the British Raj.
The nearly three-minute-long trailer features Sara being inspired by Mahatma Gandhi's words on courage and valor. The actor is seen enduring beatings during the freedom fight, while her family discourages her from speaking out against the British and questions the idea that Indians are incapable of governing themselves.
She establishes a radio station which becomes the voice of India's freedom struggle in the face of British oppression. Ready to sacrifice her life for the country, Sara as young Usha delivers some goosebump-worthy dialogues in the trailer, such as "Karo Ya Maro (Do or Die)," and expresses determination with lines like "Aap mujhe jaan se maar sakte hai, par zinda rehkar ye radio band nahi hone dungi (You can kill me, but I won't let this radio station shut down as long as I'm alive)."