Hyderabad:Sushmita Sen returns to the screen as Aarya in the highly anticipated third season of the web series, Aarya. Titled Aarya Antim Vaar, the recently released trailer delves into the complex life of Aarya, caught in the crossfire between her involvement in the arms supply business and her unwavering commitment to her three children. The trailer of Aarya Antim Vaar suggests that Aarya is willing to sacrifice her own life to ensure the safety of her kids.
Disney+ Hotstar, the streaming platform showcasing the series, shared the trailer on social media, revealing glimpses of Aarya's relentless pursuit to shield her family from the dangerous realm of crime. The caption alludes to Aarya's final stand, indicating a culmination of events that will test her resilience to the fullest. The narrative unfolds with a gripping scene where Sushmita Sen's character contemplates suicide, setting the tone for the intense drama that follows.
Aarya's ambition to excel in the arms supply and transport business becomes a battleground as she faces a formidable rival portrayed by Ila Arun. The trailer introduces a relentless cop determined to apprehend Aarya, further complicating her situation. The storyline unfolds through gripping sequences of gunfights, with one particularly dramatic moment depicting Sushmita Sen's character being shot.