New Delhi:Telecom operators, in their latest submission to sector regulator Trai, have unanimously demanded to bring over-the-top apps like WhatsApp, Signal and Telegram within the ambit of the licensing regime under the new Telecommunication Act.
Reliance Jio, Bharti Airtel, Vodafone Idea and industry body COAI -- in their comments on the consultation paper issued by Trai, seeking views on the framework for service authorisations to be granted under the Telecommunications Act, 2023 -- have said that the calling and messaging apps should be brought under services to be provided through authorisation.
"As per our understanding, OTT Communication services are covered under the new Telecom Act as an access service," Telecom operators industry body COAI said in its submission to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai). Reliance Jio said the definition of 'message' and 'telecommunication service' under the newly enacted Telecommunication Act, 2023, includes all forms of telecommunication services, including the communication services provided over the top using the platform, servers or switches hosted in the public internet.
"In order to ensure the same rules for the same or similar services, it is important to bring such Over the Top (OTT) communication service providers under Access Services authorisation," Reliance Jio said. Bharti Airtel said the Telecom Act has a broad definition of 'telecommunications', which includes "any sign, signal, writing, text, image, sound, video, data stream, intelligence or information sent through telecommunication" and it leaves ample room for the inclusion and regulation of OTT communication services under the Act.